Chinese Culture

Les éventails en Chine - HanWen Shop

Fans in China

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Fans in China

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Les quatre grands styles du Hanfu - HanWen Shop

The Four Great Styles of Hanfu

The word "form" is similar to what people call "style" today, but when we talk about Hanfu, we use "form" instead of "style." Because the word "form" also contains the...

The Four Great Styles of Hanfu

The word "form" is similar to what people call "style" today, but when we talk about Hanfu, we use "form" instead of "style." Because the word "form" also contains the...

L'évolution historique du Hanfu - HanWen Shop

The Historical Evolution of Hanfu

Hanfu has a long history and many styles. Each dynasty has its own characteristics, but the main features remain unchanged. It is famous for its unique clothing structures such as...

The Historical Evolution of Hanfu

Hanfu has a long history and many styles. Each dynasty has its own characteristics, but the main features remain unchanged. It is famous for its unique clothing structures such as...

Histoire de l'Ombrelle Chinoise en Papier Huilé - HanWen Shop

History of the Chinese Oiled Paper Umbrella

Chinese oiled paper umbrella, called yóuzhǐ sǎn (油纸伞) in Chinese. Chinese oiled paper umbrella has a history of more than a thousand years. They are not only a must-have for...

History of the Chinese Oiled Paper Umbrella

Chinese oiled paper umbrella, called yóuzhǐ sǎn (油纸伞) in Chinese. Chinese oiled paper umbrella has a history of more than a thousand years. They are not only a must-have for...